General News
26 February, 2025
Mayor takes aim at TMR for its lack of a local director
John Wharton says one person has been acting in a role for two years and has called on TMR to appoint him permanently.

North West Regional Roads and Transport Group chair John Wharton says internal cultural problems within the Department of Transport and Mains Roads (TMR) are to blame for the ongoing struggles to improve flood mitigation along the Flinders Highway.
The Richmond mayor said TMR had yet to appoint a permanent North West district director despite having a suitably qualified person in a temporary role for more than two years.
Cr Wharton said he had raised concerns numerous times with departmental officials, including director-general Sally Stannard as recently as this month, about the need for a permanent senior decision-maker to be appointed who was locally-based.
The mayor said he had yet to receive an adequate response.
Cr Wharton said the inability to fill the district director position was another example of Brisbane-based officials attempting to centralise government decision-making.
“Every time I see the director-general, I ask them when the (district director) position is going to become permanent, and they just stare back at you,” he told North West Weekly.
“If you are in an acting role in government, you are not going to make any tough decisions.
“You should be officially appointed so you can go on and do what needs to be done.”
Cr Wharton said TMR did not adequately consult local government or landholders when making crucial road infrastructure decisions nor give sufficient autonomy to departmental staff in the regions.
The chair of the North West Regional Roads and Transport Group said the inability to deliver a local road network that was adaptable to wet seasons was largely due to the cultural problems within the department.
“We try as hard as we can to make the relationship work between the regional roads group and the department – but sometimes they just won’t listen to us,” Cr Wharton said.
“And when they won’t listen to us, we get very frustrated – and that’s when the arguments start.
“We know these roads, we drive on these roads all the time and I can give you many examples where TMR simply would not listen and bad things happen.”
A TMR spokesperson told North West Weekly that plans were under way to fill the district director role.
“TMR is working in a constrained environment with limited capability to be able to recruit appropriately qualified and skilled people on a permanent basis,” the spokesperson said in a statement.
“TMR can confirm that recruitment and selection processes are under way with the aim to permanently fill the position of district director with the expectation this critical role will be placed by June 30, if not earlier.”
The spokesperson defended the department’s consultation processes, claiming TMR undertook “regular” engagement with elected representatives and council officers about “local priorities and desired outcomes” for network improvements.
The spokesperson said department officials must balance local needs with broader budgetary considerations of public funds.
“TMR consults with local governments through multiple channels including the Regional Roads and Transport Groups,” the spokesperson said.
“TMR undertakes optional analysis and multi-criteria assessments when considering factors to ensure a fit for purpose solution is delivered for each specific site.
“This includes available funding, the nature of the site and the function of the surrounding network, including traffic volumes and mix.
“TMR has a legislative responsibility to plan, maintain and operate the network. This includes an obligation to ensure the best use of public funds.
“TMR has district officers who live in the region. These officers know and understand the networks and work closely with local governments.”